Katie Richardson- I Wonder How Your Laugh Sounds
Katie Chili Richardson is a BA Photography student, in her final year of study at the University for the Creative Arts in Farnham. Her work often focuses on topics close to home; making work from personal experiences and intrigues. She hopes to continue her photographic practice, following this sense of personal exploration.

Granddad Frank

Granddad Geoff
These two photographic collages are from the series ‘I wonder how your laugh sounds.’; A body of work exploring the personal, emotional journey of understanding loss and grief. The project focuses on the journey that I went on, trying to build a relationship with my two Granddad’s whom I never had the chance to meet. The work utilises photography as a medium to bring the three of us together; breaking the boundaries of time to create subtle links and traces. The project involved using various means of presentation; amplifying the diverse use of collage techniques; ranging from re-photographing old photographs to using proximity of images to create a conversation between them. The work also works with the idea of space; by visiting and photographing places of prominence in their lives, I was able to create a link to them. By re-photographing photographs from my childhood whereby they weren’t present, in these places of prominence meant that I was writing them into my life. The aim was to write myself into their history and fabricate a relationship to these two great men, whilst coming to terms with a complicated sense of mourning for two people who didn’t even know I existed.
Website: www.katiechili.weebly.com