Becky Warnock- ‘You are not alive to please the aesthetic of the Colonised Eye’
My artistic practice crosses photography, film and theatre, using participatory practice to engage with the people that I work with. My focus is creating innovative, community engaged art, powered for social change.

This project, which quotes the Nigerian poet, Ijeoma Umebinyuo; is an exploration of my relationship to, and understanding of, the role of photographic images within the politics of representation. Using early images from my own practice as a photographer, NGO imagery and media sources, I attempt to unpick the political and ethical framework around modes of representation of Africa within a post-colonial context.
As a white, middle class, British woman, I believe my cultural identity has been shaped by a patriarchal, white dominant society seeking to oppress other perspectives and understandings, actively denying our colonial history. By using images taken by myself ten years ago as stimulus, I seek to reflect on my naivety and interrogate the internalised prejudices from my background. Through my work with charities and international development organisations, I have gained an increased understanding and critical awareness of the politics of representation. However, it is easy to reflect on an academic theory without considering its application in reality, particularly on a personal level. I want to critically consider my position within the complex concepts I was researching. This project is the unpicking of the images, influences and politics that contribute to my current understanding. ”
Instagram: @bxwarnock