Rodrigo Pinzón
“The general intention of my work is to reflect on the process of identity and memory construction, based on the human interaction with time, space, the objects of the environment and the way in which we leave our marks on it. Therefore, I like the exploration of urban and natural landscapes and the objects, with all their symbolic content, as points of reference in the map of human existence.
In this way, during the last few years, I have been trying to connect my childhood memories of the city where I live, with the nowadays experiences through the photography. In the search for those connections and as a way to mix past and present, I have taken pictures of the same streets that I used to visit with my parents when I was a child, creating new memories from the previous ones, testifying how today this city is quite different from the one I remember.”

“Additionally, I am interested in the exploration of the photographic language as a tool for the creation of atmospheric and visual metaphors. This for me is a far superior manner of evoking feelings, memories, and thoughts. That is why, in formal terms, I do not like the ultra-reality in photography. I prefer the aesthetics from shooting film, which for me produce results that are far closer to the types of images that our memories are made up of, as well as experimenting with the photographic ‘mistake’, as a type of ‘game’ from which I can achieve other meanings derived from the simplicity of our quotidian life.”
Instagram: @ropinzonc