Millie Battershill - Bahrain on Film
Millie Battershill is a photographer who creates work, which explores concepts that loosely relate to existence and the significance of humanity. Previous projects included one that abstractly studied the everyday and another focused on insignificance, memory and time. Millie’s projects differ greatly in subject matter and visual approach however they all contain a specific meaning; this can be deep and intrinsic for understanding the photographs or it could be quite straightforward but subtle.

Bahrain on Film is a project containing photographs shot on 35mm film during a weeks visit to the country. This is an example of work that has a very simple concept, for example it refers to thoughts on existence by merely aiming to explore life in a different culture. The photographs are presented as a single image or as multiple images specifically laid out, both with borders; this is to replicate the layout of a photo book by grouping them in relation to colour flow and punctuating with white spaces. Capturing mainly the architecture and landscapes, the images attempt to allow an insight into what life is like in the tiny Middle Eastern country of Bahrain.
Instagram: @milliebattershill
Twitter: @milliebphoto