Anton Vichrov- Homage to confusion
Within my photographs, I try to catch these facets of confusion. I give visualisation to these feelings and try to freeze the emotions hiding behind the term of "confusion". Currently I am using only film in combination with my Nikon F3 and Rolleicord Vb. As confusion itself, I am not striving for perfection or control, rather the opposite: the process of making these photographs is sometimes random. I give away a certain amount of control by shooting double, triple or up to 16th exposures and using expired film.
Embrace the confusion.

This body of work is an ongoing project I am working on surrounding the term of confusion. To me this is one of the most interesting states of the human mind. Everyone experiences confusion at some point throughout their lifetime, from the little confusions on a daily basis when you are simply not awake enough to get something, up to the feeling of derealisation, feeling blind and being totally perplex that is, when you simply don’t feel like yourself. Confusion is very present. Every time we say "what?" or we are stuck with making decisions we are somehow confused. In general humans try to avoid confusion as it is not a comfortable feeling for most of us. But often in these times we achieve the most random and best ideas, as well as new insights to ourselves. Confusion is state where you can feel empowered, liberated, depressed, alone, restricted and much more. Where, maybe for a second it doesn’t matter how you were socialised, allowing you lay down the social boundaries about thinking freely.

Instagram: @anton_vichrov
Facebook: /antonvichrovphotographie